


I am so pleased!
— Sam's mom
Never did I think acupuncture could take away pain! Dr. Arielle helped my cat transition peacefully with her acupuncture techniques. She is a nurturing and caring veterinarian. Nashville needs more vets like her!
— Simba's mom
Having a pitbull with allergies and hip problems can be frustrating! Doc’s expertise in managing our dogs allergies with acupuncture and herbs has saved us so many trips to his regular vet.
— Fats's Dad
I can’t say enough how HousePaws helped me and my beautiful siamese cat Pythagorous (16 years old). My fur baby had arthritis in his entire body and walked like it pained him to even move. Dr. Walton did electro therapy on him and after the first treatment, I could tell he felt better but after just a couple more treatments.....he was walking like he was 2 years old. Thank you House Paws for making my baby boy feel like a young kitten again.
— Pythagorous's mom
He can walk again!!!!!! I never thought he would walk again!
— Red's Mom
Dr. Arielle is doing an amazing job preventing my dog from having to take medicines that can harm her organs.
— Bella's mom